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Should I Be Concerned if My Dog has Loose Stools?

Understanding your dog's health involves more than just feeding them right and ensuring they get enough exercise. It also involves paying attention to their bodily functions, including their stool. This may not be the most pleasant task, but it is essential for maintaining your pet's health. As a dog owner, you should be familiar with what is normal and what is not when it comes to your dog’s stool.


What is Normal and Abnormal Stool for Dogs?

A healthy stool for a dog is generally firm, small, and log-shaped. It should also be a chocolate brown color. Consistency and color can vary slightly depending on your dog's diet, but major deviations from this norm may be a cause for concern.

Abnormal stool, on the other hand, may be too hard, too soft, or watery. It could also be a different color - black, red, green, yellow, or grey. These changes may indicate a variety of health issues, such as dietary changes, parasites, infections, or even serious diseases. Loose stools, in particular, are quite common in dogs and can be a cause for concern.


Common Causes of Loose Stools in Dogs

Loose stools in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors. Dietary indiscretion, or eating something they shouldn't have, is a common cause. This can include garbage, spoiled food, or non-food items. These can irritate the digestive tract and lead to loose stools.

Another common cause of loose stools is a change in diet. If you suddenly change your dog's food, it can upset their stomach and cause diarrhea. Infections, such as bacterial or viral infections, can also cause loose stools. Certain medications, stress, and underlying health conditions, such as liver disease or pancreatitis, can also cause loose stools in dogs.


When Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog's Loose Stool?

While occasional loose stool can be normal for dogs, persistent or chronic loose stool is usually a sign that something is wrong. If your dog has loose stools for more than two days, or if they are also showing other signs of illness, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, or changes in behavior, you should be concerned.

Blood in the stool is another red flag. This could be a sign of a serious internal problem, like a gastrointestinal ulcer or a more severe condition such as cancer. If your dog's stool is black and tarry, it may indicate that there is bleeding in the upper part of the digestive tract. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention.


The Importance of Consulting with a Veterinarian

If you notice any changes in your dog's stool, it's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian. They can help determine the cause of the problem and recommend the best course of treatment. This could include dietary changes, medication, or other treatments.

Veterinarians are experts in pet health and are the best resource when it comes to understanding what is normal and what is not for your dog's health. They can provide valuable insights and advice to help you take the best care of your dog.

Regular wellness exams are also crucial for maintaining your dog's health. These exams allow your veterinarian to catch any potential health issues early, before they become serious problems. During a wellness exam, your vet will look at your dog's overall health, including their stool.

If you notice any changes in your dog's stool, don't hesitate to consult with our veterinarian. Visit Alvin Animal Clinic at our office in Alvin, Texas, or call (218) 585-5183 to schedule an appointment today.

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